Born out of reverence to the crystal my mother collected in my youth
Through experimenting with curvilinear drop forms, seen below, I was drawn to their geometric simplicity, and contrast of thick to thin. Utilizing the skills of flame working & glassblowing, I devised a geometrically-conscious, 3-part vase that showcased contrast of thick to thin as well as intersection of curvilinear and rectilinear objects.

Patterns were drafted as guides for the fabrication of the piece, seen below. A digital render was also constructed to better understand what the final product would look like.

The set of two stir sticks were made using the flame working techniques of marbles and mariahs, attached with hot connections to a borosilicate rod. The combined piece serves a purely decorative function; this was in response to my extremely rigid industrial design courses where every object I created had to serve a very specific purpose.

SUE 2021 Borosilicate & Soft Glass 3.5 x 3.5 x 11 inches 2 WEEKS